Getting a cloud server
host-from-home cloud docker ufwYour cloud server will act as a proxy from the wider internet back to your local raspberry pi. This post will walk through setting up that server.
Create a droplet on digital ocean #
We’ll be installing docker on this machine, and that’s about it. Instead of doing this ourselves, we can just grab it from the marketplace:
Just click create droplet and walk through the rest of the form. Select the smallest option available ($5).
Secure the server #
Assuming you added your ssh key, you can ssh into the server as root: ssh root@<ip address>
Let’s do the following to secure the server:
# Allow sudo to be used without a password
cat << EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/nopasswd
# Create a new user and add it to sudoers
adduser --disabled-password iwbz
usermod -aG sudo iwbz
usermod -aG docker iwbz
# Set up ssh key for new user
sudo cp -R ~/.ssh /home/iwbz
sudo chown -R iwbz:iwbz /home/iwbz
chmod 700 /home/iwbz/.ssh
chmod 400 /home/iwbz/.ssh/authorized_keys
Log out of root, log back in as the new user, and turn off root login in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
Set up firewall #
Docker doesn't play nice with ufw out of the box, but we can install a package called ufw-docker
to help us manage the settings. First, update the default forward policy in /etc/defaut/ufw
Update ufw rules and install ufw-docker
# Delete existing docker daemon firewall rules
sudo ufw delete allow 2375/tcp
sudo ufw delete allow 2376/tcp
# Install ufw-docker
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker
sudo ufw-docker install
sudo systemctl restart ufw
Test it out #
We can start up an example web server and expose it to the outside world:
# start a webserver on port 2015
docker run --rm -d -p 2015:2015 --name webserver abiosoft/caddy
# expose the web server through the firewall
sudo ufw-docker allow webserver